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Ten IT trends through 2017 and how to prepare Part 01

Ten IT trends through 2017 and how to prepare

01.  Open philosophies
Open development breaks your data center down into its lowest-level factors, which fit together by wide open standards. Still, with less than 2% of enterprise applications suitable for horizontal scaling, enterprise IT need to avoid lifting legacy apps upon open infrastructure.
Instead, put brand-new workloads on building-block infrastructure, and renegotiate your hardware contracts to arrange for more open-standard hardware along with software.

2. Automation
This kind of trend is nothing new, nevertheless the next five years will be transformative because of it automation, from opportunistic to systemic setup.

The problem, however, is THAT administrators love scripts. They love creating the most effective scripts, fiddling with scripts that can come from colleagues, and leaving little documentation if they move on to another career. IT automation must evolve coming from scripting to deterministic (defined workloads regarding tasks) then to heuristic design (automation according to data fed in operations). There are banks today that use heuristic automation since they have all the hardware that one could want, Govekar said. But they lack the opportunity to automatically place workloads that finest at any given moment.

3. Software-defined everything
Software-defined signifies the control plane is abstracted from your hardware, and it's going on with every machine a data center can acquire. Software-defined servers are established, software-defined networking is maturing and also software-defined storage won't have much impact until no less than 2017, Govekar said.

Don't approach software-defined everything being a cost saving venture, because the true point is agility. Avoid vendor lock-in on this turbulent vendor space, and try to find interoperable application programming interfaces in which enable data-center-wide abstraction. Also, take into account that the legacy data center won't die with out a fight.

4. Big data
Huge data analysis is used in several ways to solve problems nowadays. For example, police departments reduce crime without blanketing town with patrol cars, by pinpointing likely crime very hot spots at a given stage based on real-time and traditional data.

Build new data architectures to deal with unstructured data and real-time feedback, which are disruptive changes nowadays. The biggest inhibitor to venture IT adoption of big info analytics, however, isn't the info architecture; it's a lack regarding big data skills.

5. Internet of Everything 
Is IT in control of the coffee pot? If it's got an IP address and connects for the network, it might be.

Internet-connected device proliferation along with big data analytics means in which businesses can automate and improve their operations. It also means security assumes on a whole new range regarding end points. In data heart capacity management, Internet of Almost everything means demand shaping and consumer priority tiering, rather than basically buying more hardware.

Build a data center that will change, don't build to previous, Govekar said.

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